Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 14, from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Light snacks and coffee will be served.
Staff Favorite Things
PTSA is excited to share the WWE Staff Favorites Form! This handy tool helps you discover your child’s teachers and staff members' favorite things, making it easy to show appreciation anytime—whether for Teacher Appreciation Week, holidays, or just because! Each form also includes ways you can lend a hand - so if you’re able to offer support, it would be greatly appreciated!
The Eras Tour 2024 was a Rockin' Success!
Congratulations! WWE had another successful Pages with the Pack is in the books — reading 426,442 minutes or raising $44,560! Thank you to everyone who participated! Way to go, Ms. Clay and Ms. Duncan for sporting their Crazy Hair, Kissing Shelly the Tortoise and Dancing to Shake it Off in Dinosaur Costumes at the all-school assembly! PTSA even had a special surprise message to share with the students HERE. Top readers and fundraisers wrapped up the day with a limo party bus ride to Jeremiah’s for an ice cream party! Thank you to Jeremiahs!
By the numbers:
Total number of minutes read: 426,442
Total funds raised: $44,560
Average minutes read per student: 858
Most minutes read (individual): 3,496
Median funds raised per student: $35
Most funds raised (individual): $1,710
The classes reading the most minutes, per grade, were:
5th grade - Kemper - 22,518
4th grade - Schatz - 24,584
3rd grade - Drumright - 17,356
2nd grade - Cass - 24,606
1st grade - McQuitty - 22,696
Kindergarten - Meier - 17,968
The classes that raised the most money for the school were:
5th grade - Stolte - $1,942.94
4th grade - Schatz - $2,838.99
3rd grade - Drumright - $2,243.75
2nd grade - McNulty - $3,060.00
1st grade - McQuitty - $3,757.50
Kindergarten - Meier - $2,879.20
The classes with most minutes and/or funds raised have won popcorn parties. This spring, all students will also enjoy a visit from an author! Thanks again to EVERYONE for making this year’s Pages with the Pack Read-A-Thon such a success! Funds raised will support WWE technology upgrades, our Healthy Schools program, and classroom needs for our sister school, Slater Elementary.
Become a WWE Sponsor
Gain visibility among 325 families, 550+ students, and the WWE faculty and staff while supporting your community. Click here to learn more!
Healthy Schools Corner
Mileage Club Updates! The beloved Wellness Wednesday activity is back! During lunch recess, students can choose to walk, jog, or run the Mileage Club lap course. By participating, they’ll earn fun individual charms and a chance for their class to win the Golden Shoe! No sign-up is needed—just show up and get moving! For more details, check here. Volunteers needed to help monitor the course—sign up here. Let's make this a fun and healthy season!
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed! The kids love their food and spending time with friends during lunch, but we could use your support to make this part of the school day even better. Come say "hi" to your child and help out in the lunchroom—you’ll make a big difference! Sign up here.