MILK CAPS for MOOOLA is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy. Each Longmont Dairy milk cap is worth 5¢ each. Participating is easy as 1-2-3!
Just bring your milk caps to the front entry way of the school and drop them off! PTSA will take care of the rest! |
How it works:
Drink Longmont Dairy products - Eligible cap products include Milk, Chocolate Milk, Strawberry Milk, Half & Half, Whipping Cream, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Classic and Cinnamon Eggnog.
Save your bottle caps! You can also collect them from family and neighbors.
Place clean caps in a plastic bag and have your student drop them in the collection bin in the front lobby.
Not only does WWE benefit by receiving 5 cents for every cap we collect, but we save caps from going to a landfill by returning them to the dairy so they can be recycled.
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Gain visibility among 325 families, 550+ students, and the WWE faculty and staff while supporting your community. Click here to learn more!
Healthy Schools Corner
Mileage Club Updates! The beloved Wellness Wednesday activity is back! During lunch recess, students can choose to walk, jog, or run the Mileage Club lap course. By participating, they’ll earn fun individual charms and a chance for their class to win the Golden Shoe! No sign-up is needed—just show up and get moving! For more details, check here. Volunteers needed to help monitor the course—sign up here. Let's make this a fun and healthy season!
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed! The kids love their food and spending time with friends during lunch, but we could use your support to make this part of the school day even better. Come say "hi" to your child and help out in the lunchroom—you’ll make a big difference! Sign up here.