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By joining PTSA, you help us meet the needs of WWE, which benefits all of our children. Your membership gets you more involved in various programs, events and you have a vote for the contributions the PTSA makes back to the school. 


Your support also helps fund WWE's special programs, classroom supplies, technology, teacher education, facility upgrades and more. 


Becoming a member is easy. The cost is only $12 for one adult and $6.25 per student. 


Join Here 



Frequently Asked Questions


What does it mean to be a PTSA member and why should I join?


Becoming a member of WWE PTSA includes paying dues and participating at ANY level that works for you. You can pay your fee as a donation to PTSA, attend no meetings, all meetings, or some meetings. You can volunteer on a committee, at a specific event, or not at all. Your participation level is up to you and whatever works best for your schedule is great.


What are some different ways I can participate in PTSA?

PTSA is a volunteer-driven organization and we appreciate all of the parents, community members, staff and students that make us the great organization that we are. While we also appreciate your membership, you do not need to be a member to volunteer at a PTSA event, student program, or as a Classroom Party Planner. PTSA members may serve on a Committee for a WWE event. Any PTSA member in good standing may serve as a Committee Chair or a PTSA Executive Board member. 


The most important piece is that your participation level is up to you. Committee Chair or Executive Board Member? Great!


Join PTSA, but never able to attend a meeting or event? We understand! Want to help, but need something that works with younger children at home? We get that, too! Let us know through the Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll find something that is right for you. There is no minimum requirement for participation and no judgment is made regarding your level of participation. We are all working together in our own way to support our families, school and community. At West Woods Elementary and in PTSA, all parents with any schedule are welcome and we’re all a part of this “village” together.


Why should I pay dues and become a member if I cannot attend meetings and events? Or some might ask, if I cannot volunteer for a committee or attend the meetings, should I still become a member and pay dues?

We think you should join, but the decision is really up to you. In the event that you are able to attend a meeting or two, only PTSA members may vote at meetings. At our General Meetings we vote on Grants to WWE, future funding priorities, planning for PTSA events, the PTSA budget, and many other decisions every year. We appreciate your input on these issues!

Your PTSA membership also provides a venue for you to contribute to your student’s success. There is a benefit to WWE if you join, even if you cannot volunteer for a committee or attend meetings. Your membership fee alone contributes to our annual budget and therefore our Grants to WWE. As a PTSA member, you also have access to the CO State PTA and National PTA websites and These sites contain parenting education, advocacy information and on-line learning tools.


What happens at the PTSA monthly meetings?

The PTSA General Meetings are held via Zoom monthly and are posted on our calendar. General Meetings are open to any interested party. This includes PTSA members, West Woods Elementary parents and staff, and West Woods Community Members. At these meetings, we conduct the business of PTSA. This usually includes approving the minutes from the previous meeting, discussing the most current events at WWE, approving pending agenda items, voting on changes in the PTSA program, voting on the PTSA budget and grants to WWE, providing updates, and taking suggestions. Our meetings are meant to be a collaborative process to ensure PTSA is serving the WWE community well and representing PTSA membership effectively.


What is the difference between the PTSA members, the Executive Board, Committees, Committee Chairs and School Accountability Committee (SAC)?

  • PTSA Members – PTSA members are parents, community members, staff, and students who have paid their annual dues.
  • PTSA Committees – The PTSA Committees are small groups that coordinate the events and programs at WWE. Examples include Run With the Wolves, Carnival, and Missoula Children’s Theatre. Not every event or program has a working Committee. Some are smaller programs and are organized by the Committee Chair alone. Not every working committee holds meetings, in fact most do not.
  • PTSA Committee Chairs – A Chair is assigned to each Committee to lead the efforts.
  • PTSA Executive Board – The PTSA Executive Board is an elected group of parents who steer the direction of PTSA, manage the PTSA budget and finances, report to Colorado PTA, and manage the Committees by working with the Committee Chairs to ensure successful PTSA events and programs. The Executive Board consists of the PTSA President, 4 Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. The Principal serves as the 4th Vice-President. The remaining positions may be filled by any parent, community member, or staff member that is a PTSA member.
  • School Accountability Committee – School Accountability Committee (SAC) is an entity separate from PTSA. This is a group of parents and staff members who act in an advisory capacity to the Principal of West Woods Elementary. For more information on SAC, please see the SAC page on the West Woods Elementary School website.

How can I become more involved?

If you’d like to participate as a volunteer at one of our upcoming WWE events or programs, visit the volunteer section on this site for current opportunities and/or fill out a volunteer interest form. Some committees need more help than others. 


If you are interested in leading a Committee or steering PTSA as a member of the Executive Board, we are interested in you! Each February a Nominating Committee is formed. This Committee seeks parents who are willing and interested in either a Committee Chair position or an Executive Board position. The Nominating Committee members can help potential candidates understand the work load, expectations, and job descriptions for available positions. The Nominating Committee seeks to fill positions by April so that the Executive Board slate can be voted in at the April General Meeting and transitions between outgoing and incoming Chairs and Executive Board members can take place in May and June.


I am NEW to WWE, where should I start?
First of all, welcome to West Woods Elementary! We’re happy to have you, and look forward to meeting you and your family. A great place to start is to check out the calendar for the school events, deadlines, etc. We also encourage you to read the Student-Parent Handbook which is available on the West Woods Elementary School website.

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Edge Soccer
Chapman Orthodontics
West Metro Pediatric Dentistry
Rely Home Group
Trinity Orthodontics
Vyas Orhtodontics
Carroll Kessler
Hops and Pie
Martinez Fire Protection
Bo Borowski State Farm

Healthy Schools Corner

Mileage Club Updates! The beloved Wellness Wednesday activity is back! During lunch recess, students can choose to walk, jog, or run the Mileage Club lap course. By participating, they’ll earn fun individual charms and a chance for their class to win the Golden Shoe! No sign-up is needed—just show up and get moving! For more details, check here. Volunteers needed to help monitor the course—sign up hereLet's make this a fun and healthy season!

Cafeteria Volunteers Needed! The kids love their food and spending time with friends during lunch, but we could use your support to make this part of the school day even better. Come say "hi" to your child and help out in the lunchroom—you’ll make a big difference! Sign up here.