WWE PTSA Positions and Openings
When adults volunteer, WWE students benefit! The below list outlines committee chair and committee descriptions, along with the time of year and estimated time commitment.
Planning/Coordination: August, Late November-early December, April
Responsible for having 3-4 spirit drives per year. Usually one at the beginning, one before Christmas and one at the end of the year. Currently we use a company called Spirit Gear and they will make the flyers with all the logos on them. There are many other companies out there that also do gear drives. Once the items have been delivered to the school it is the apparel chairs responsibility to organize and distribute the wear to the teachers.
Chairperson/Coordinator Time Commitment: About 3 hours every time a gear drive happens. 9-10 hours per school year.
Bulletin Board
Planning/coordination: August-May
Plan monthly creative for the school's front foyer bulletin board. Work with PTSA and WWE Administration/Teachers/School clubs on bulletin board design themes each to reflect major school functions. Some examples include the Back to School Carnival, Run with the Wolves, Parties with a Purpose, Pages with the Pack, Reflections, Missoula Children’s Theater, Fore the Kids Golf Tournament, Staff Appreciation Week.
Decorate the board with materials in the bulletin board box and available WWE supplies. Purchase extra materials if needed (ie Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Michaels etc.; reimbursement forms available). Ability to lift a 20 lbs+ rubbermaid box of supplies from PTSA shed into school and back.
Committee of 2 people.
Committee Time Commitment: Roughly 3-4 hours per month at school
Planning/Coordination: March – August / Event Date: August 19th, 2022 - 4:00-7:00 PM
Help plan WWE’s annual ‘Pack is Back’ carnival with a committee of 6 people.
Committee Positions:
Volunteer Coordinator: sign-ups/confirmations, online option, PTSA volunteer token of thanks, classroom contest
Volunteer Coordinator Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week for 3 weeks leading up to the event.
FUN Services Coordinator: day of deliveries, prize redemption, game token plan
FUN Services Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event, 8 hours day of event
Food: Dominoes or other vendor negotiations, Kona, Scrumptious, kettle corn, various vendors
Food Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event
Business Liaison: booth sponsors (greet & train), banners and recognition
Business Liaison Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event, 4 hours day of event
Added Attractions: face painting, hair spray, toy walk, cake walk (inc. receiving donations), pop toss (inc. receiving donations), Space Time, Chess Club, etc.
Attractions Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event, 8 hours day of event
Ticket Sales: presale, distribution, at the door
Ticket Sales Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event, 5 hours day of event
Operations: security, risk management, maps & signage, flow of traffic, conflict resolution, publicity (news, weekly bulletin/Wolf Tracks, loop), Fire Dept
Operations Coordinator Time Commitment: 2 hours per week for 2 weeks leading up to event, 8 hours day of event
Community Rewards
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Responsible for managing WWE PTSA Community Rewards Programs as well as enrolling in similar programs that would generate financial rewards for WWE. Primary responsibility of this committee chair/committee is to provide ongoing communication and education to WWE families and faculty throughout the school year to increase participation in these programs. Chairperson Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours per month
Current programs include:
- King Soopers Community Rewards Program - encourage WWE families (can include extended family members, friends, neighbors, faculty, etc.) to choose WWE as their King Sooper Community Rewards beneficiary. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to enroll. King Soopers distributes quarterly rewards checks to WWE based on the amount spent by WWE enrolled families. **Note - this program does NOT affect King Soopers fuel rewards
- Milk Caps for Moola - Communicate to WWE families that we participate in the Longmont Dairy Milk Caps for Moola program. Longmont Dairy will compensate for each cap collected. Coordinate pick up date with Longmont Dairy once approximately 1,000 caps have been collected.
- American Furniture Warehouse - Need new furniture? American Furniture Warehouse will give between 2 - 4% of your purchase back to WWE when you let them know you’re with West Woods Elementary.
Planning/Coordination: March-July
The EduKits position manages the school supply company that lets you order school supplies online in the spring that are mailed to your home before the start of school. The chair would obtain the supply lists from the school (likely through Jody) and send it to the company to finalize what is included in the kit. A flyer would be sent home towards the end of year and posted on social media. The company provides everything including signs to post at the school.
Chairperson/Coordinator Time Commitment: 5 hours per week for 2-3 weeks.
Field Day
Planning/Coordination: Late April/early May
Coordinate with Mr. Paris (oversees Field Day) and the front office team to obtain a list with the # of students in each classroom. Purchase popsicles for Field Day (can be purchased online from walmart.com, etc.). Ensure popsicles are frozen prior to the event; can be kept in the WWE walk-in freezer located in the cafeteria. Prior to Field Day, group popsicles into bags for each classroom with the appropriate number of popsicles for each student. Submit receipt to PTSA for reimbursement of all popsicles.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 3-4 hours total
Fore the Kids Golf Tournament
Planning/Coordination: January - April / Event: May
Plan and execute the annual golf tournament. Coordinate with golf course on all event logistics. Secure event sponsors. Secure event volunteers to manage event registration, sell strings, mulligans, raffle tickets, etc. Communicate event details to generate interest and gain participation. Secure silent auction and raffle prizes.
Committee of 3-4 people.
Co-Chairperson Time Commitment: 10 hours per month (Jan-April); 15 hours per week plus day of event (May)
Committee Members Time Commitment: 5 hours per month (Jan-April); 5 hours per week plus day of event (May)
Healthy Schools Chairperson/Liaison
Planning/Coordination: August-May 2-4 hrs/week
Responsible for coordinating between different Healthy Schools Subcommittees, writing communication (ie: Bulletin Boards, Facebook content, WWE News announcement, Friday Folder fliers), coordination with PTSA Board and with school Principal and responsible for leading the Healthy Schools Student Team.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 2–4 hours per week
Healthy Schools Subcommittees
- Nutrition
Planning/Coordination: September-March
Responsible for planning and coordinating dates, details and parent volunteers for healthy staff snacks (Sept-April), the Candy Take Back event (post Halloween), and the Eat the Rainbow week/campaign (March). Also responsible for working with Healthy Schools Chairperson to support the Student Team, provide smoothies at applicable PTSA-run events and to coordinate with the Garden Club chair to provide the Garden ClubTaste Testing component.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 1- 3hrs per week
- Mileage Club
Planning/Coordination: October-April
Responsible for ordering and tracking charms, keeping track of laps ran by each student, handing out charms, organizing special charm days, recruiting, communicating to and retaining day-of volunteers and advertise Mileage Club to students and parents by creating Friday Folder fliers and printing them, writing content for social media, website or Wolf Tracks and any other communication/advertising through out the year.
Committee of 1-3 people
Chairperson Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per week
Committee Member Time Commitment:
- Garden Club
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Responsible for working with staff liaison to coordinate Garden Club meetings (for K-2nd grades), planting, maintaining and winterizing outdoor gardens and tower gardens. Responsible for planning Fall Garden Harvest Festival and also responsible for working with Healthy Schools Chairperson to support the Student Team.
Committee of 2-4 people
Chairperson Time Commitment: 1-3 hrs per week
Committee Member Time Commitment: 4 hours per month
Howler Bash/Auction
Planning: November-March / Event Date: March
Responsible for planning evening dinner/cocktails fundraising event with live and silent auction. Co-chairs manage securing event space, food and cocktails, and overseeing auction. Committee helps to secure auction items from community businesses, collect classroom donations, put together/design baskets, post to auction website and promote to WWE community.
Committee of 5-6 people.
Co-Chairs Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per week and committee (Jan-March)
Committee Members Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week (Jan-March)
Wolf Pack Book Club - To Be Updated
Planning/Coordination: Fall Semester, late September -early December.
Junior Great Books is a program offered to 2nd-5th graders.
Chairperson responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- View greatbooks.org for cost of books.
- Work with PTSA president regarding budget to see how much to money to request for books and end of program celebration. Check with the Principal to see if a pizza party is acceptable for the end of program celebration.
- Send out an information flyer in Friday Folders a couple of weeks after school starts explaining the program, cost and request volunteers. Check with the Principal to see if a pizza party is acceptable for the end of program celebration.
- Form grade level groups, coordinate parent volunteers and find teachers that are willing to let the group meet in their room once a week
- Provide Carol with a list of participants, meeting times and meeting rooms
- Collect money for book orders
- Order books through greatbooks.org
- Distribute books through the teacher’s mailbox
- Put together Reading list and schedule (meetings should not be held on Wednesdays due to Mileage Club)
- Organize end of program celebration - Email parents regarding end of program celebration.
Committee of 1-2 people.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 10 hours total
Committee Member Time Commitment: 5 hours total
Legislative Liaison
Planning/Coordination: January- May; Possible commitment if needed during September and October.
The role of the Legislative Representative is to report to the PTSA on things happening during the state's legislative session (January-May) that affect K12 students, teachers, administration, curriculum and funding. This position also monitors any ballot initiatives and notifies the PTSA of opportunities to voice their support or opposition to these ballot measures.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 1 hour per month January- May. Minimal time required in September and October if PTSA/parents wish to take a position regarding items on the November ballot.
Planning/Coordination: August-October and Ongoing as Needed
Manage WWE PTSA memberships, including membership drives (aligned with back-to-school events), PTSA membership materials and submitting membership list to Colorado PTA along with WWE PTSA Membership dues. Membership list and dues are submitted in October each year. Work with PTSA board to determine membership incentives (e.g., swag).
Chairperson Time Commitment: 5-10 hours total
Missoula Theater
Planning/Coordination: September-Nov.
Event Date: Nov. 2022 - Varies (most years - February or March)
Chairperson responsible for planning and managing Missoula Children’s Theater week. Includes working with MCT/West Woods staff to coordinate the play/week; oversee registration and events of the week; securing volunteers to support event leading up to and day-of; ordering and creation of tickets and programs; daily communication with parents/staff during Missoula week.
Committee of 1 with much support from other volunteers after kids are cast.
Chairperson Time Commitment: prior to week 5-10 hours, during the week of the show 20 hours
Pack Parent
Planning/Coordination: August- February / Main Event Dates: October 31, Mid-December and February 14.
Pack Parent Chairperson is responsible for encouraging parents to volunteer to be a Pack Parent (Room Parent) for their student’s classroom and overseeing parties. Help parents work with other volunteers for each classroom within their grade level to provide the most enjoyable holiday parties for Halloween, Winter Holiday Party “Parties with a Purpose” and Valentine’s Day. Work in coordination with Lead Pack Parents to ensure they are communicating with the teachers, providing the plans for the party and ultimately receiving the teacher’s approval. Need to ensure they communicate party plans timely with nurse aides keeping all students safe from allergy concerns they may face. Encourage pack parents to include any and all parents that wish to volunteer and guarantee there is no one feeling excluded or mistreated.
Chairperson Time Commitment: Kickoff meeting with Pack Parents (Aug/Sept); 2 hours each month of party for followup with Pack Parent Leads.
Pack Parent Time Commitment: 2-3 hours party planning prior to the party; 2 hours day of party including setup/party/clean up. Volunteers sign up each year to be pack parents based on their children’s grade.
Pages with the Pack
Planning/Coordination: Co-Chairs time commitment: 10 hours per week for 3 weeks prior to event
Our annual readathon takes place at the end of January, and most of the work happens in January/beginning February. Tasks include deciding on a theme, contacting sponsors for prizes, sorting charms for daily distribution, general promotion of this event, and coordinating the Grand Prize for the top readers/fundraisers in each class. The kids love it and are so excited to read!
Co-Chairs Time Commitment: 10 hours per week during event and week following event
PTSA Website
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Update Weekly / Keep website updates with relevant programs, activities and key dates. Generally mirrors similar content used in Wolf Tracks.
Chairperson Time Commitment: One hour per week during the school year.
Run with the Wolves
Planning: April-September / Event Date: September
Responsible for managing 5k run/1k walk event logistics. Includes working with timing company to oversee registration and day of event; working with vendors (e.g. bounce house, etc.), soliciting food donations and securing volunteers to support event leading up to and day-of; ordering and securing medals and prizes.
Committee of 3 people.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 10 hours per week August/September
Committee Members Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week August/September
Planning/Coordination: Planning - January; Market scholarship to graduating seniors - January - mid-April; Selection Committee - Late April
Communicate $500 scholarship opportunity to graduating seniors who attended WWE for a minimum or 2 years. Work with counselors at Arvada West High School and Ralston Valley High School to help advertise this opportunity to eligible participants. The WWE office team can provide a list of names of WWE alumni who are graduating. Establish a selection committee to review applications and select the scholarship winner.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 4-6 hours total
Sister School Liaison
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Responsible for working with the PTSA President and West Woods Elementary Principal to coordinate with the sister school principal about what wants/needs/desires the sister school has that West Woods PTSA, student body and/or community can fulfill through funding, drives, events, etc. Coordinate delivery of any physical items to sister school and assist with communication to sister school. Work with West Woods Librarian to help coordinate book drive efforts for sister school in conjunction with West Woods book fairs each semester.
Chairperson Time Commitment: No more than 3 hours/week depending on the time of year and kind of support sister school is receiving from West Woods.
Social Media
Planning/Coordination: August-May Update Weekly
Responsible for posting informative and entertaining social media on Facebook and Instagram. Works closely with the PTSA president and other members to help ensure efficient dissemination of information. Posts content acquired from Wolf tracks, Friday folders, events attended, and sent from other PTSA members. Average 1-3 posts per day, the majority can be pre-scheduled.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 2-3 hours broken up over the week during the school year.
Spirit Nights
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Work with area restaurants and businesses to schedule 1-2 Spirit Nights per month. Communicate these events to WWE families via Friday Folder flyers, social media and Wolf Tracks. A portion of the proceeds from each event will be given back to WWE in the form of a check, which can be mailed to the WWE PTSA.
Committee of 2 people.
Committee Members Time Commitment: Approximately 3 hours per month
Planning/Coordination: Year-round with heavy focus on April/May to secure sponsors for next school year.
Secure and maintain Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Friday Folder, and Magnet sponsors along with our additional sponsorship opportunities and work hard to encourage the sponsors of the current school year to sponsor again the following year. Share their logo/advertisement with the areas/events they are allowed to market with during the year(RWTW, PWTP, Howler Bash, Golf etc.). Goals are to find businesses willing to sponsor the PTSA through Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze ultimately attempting to fill our Friday folder and our magnet starting in May for the following school year avoiding the rush in July and beginning of August. Ensure your sponsors feel appreciated and that their needs are met with each event while still attempting to secure other sponsors for different events (Run with the Wolves, Pages with the Pack, Howler Bash, Fore the kids Golf Tournament).
Committee of 2-3 people.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per month (April-May) securing annual package sponsors; July-August 2-3 hours to final Friday folder and magnet, 2 - 3 hours per month of main events to assist in lining up event sponsors.
Committee Member Time Commitment: 5 hours per month (April and May) to line up annual package sponsors; 3 hours (July and August) to finalize Friday folder and magnet, 2 - 3 hours per month to assist in lining up event sponsors.
Staff Appreciation
Planning/Coordination: August-May
The staff appreciation committee plans events (ex. food and small gifts) for the staff at six different events throughout the school year.
The 6 events include:
- Teacher’s First Day Back
- Fall Conferences
- Winter Holiday
- Valentine’s Day
- Spring Conferences
- Staff Appreciation Week in May
Committee of 2-3 people.
Committee Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per week before and during each event.
Welcome Team
Planning/Coordination: July - August and as needed when new families join WWE
Welcome new and existing families to WWE and PTSA. Plan and coordinate Kinder Welcome Picnic (early Aug.) and Boohoo Yahoo (first day of school after flag ceremony), as well as welcome new families throughout the year. Manage materials that welcome families, including Welcome Letter, Insider Tips, relevant events and activities/calendar and be a resource for any questions.
Committee of 2-3 people
Committee Members Time Commitment: 5-10 hours per person total
Wolf Tracks Newsletter
Planning/Coordination: August-May
Update and input content for Wolf Tracks, WWE’s weekly electronic newsletter to the WWE community. Potentially research, select and implement a new online newsletter platform to replace Mailchimp.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week during the school year.
Planning/coordination: August-May / Event Date: Yearbooks go out last week of school
Responsible for YB vendor selection (currently Lifetouch) and contract - very easy unless you switch companies, taking YB photos and gathering YB photos from School employees and parents. Possibly involve 5th graders? Determining look/feel of YB and working with Lifetouch (or other vendor) to get the site set up for families to order as well as for you to create the YB. Set up means to share photos (currently Shutterfly share site) and to help you manage them. Then importing these photos into the YB and laying out the pages. Program is fairly user-friendly. Coordinate with office staff on student opt-outs and current staff/student rosters. Set up reminders for YB purchase/5th Grade dedication purchase etc. and get them distributed throughout the year. Determine final order quantity and assist in delivery of YBs to students through teachers and pickup days.
Committee of 1-2 people.
Chairperson Time Commitment: 10 hours per week February/March. 1-2 hours per week in January. Very minimal prior to that - just picture-taking time.
Become a WWE Sponsor
Gain visibility among 325 families, 550+ students, and the WWE faculty and staff while supporting your community. Click here to learn more!
Healthy Schools Corner
Mileage Club Updates! The beloved Wellness Wednesday activity is back! During lunch recess, students can choose to walk, jog, or run the Mileage Club lap course. By participating, they’ll earn fun individual charms and a chance for their class to win the Golden Shoe! No sign-up is needed—just show up and get moving! For more details, check here. Volunteers needed to help monitor the course—sign up here. Let's make this a fun and healthy season!
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed! The kids love their food and spending time with friends during lunch, but we could use your support to make this part of the school day even better. Come say "hi" to your child and help out in the lunchroom—you’ll make a big difference! Sign up here.